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Sign me up Stay informed about special deals, the latest products, events, and more from Microsoft Store. Sign up. Thank you! Please, only open a GitHub issue if you have read and tried all of the above. If you do open an issue, please confirm that you tried a real DVD movie and it worked on your system so that we know it's not just a laser failure; also include your DVD player version, the name of the ISO you tried, the type of DVD, and what happens when you launch the disc.
Phat consoles have many different firmware version revisions, which makes them harder to add support for. It also means you will need to identify your firmware version, and burn the matching ISO file. It's still early in terms of support for different versions, check back here later. Hopefully over time other developers from the scene will also contribute support for additional DVD Player versions. The new exploit for 2. For example, if your DVD Player version is 2.
BUP is missing, but just click continue anyway PS2 doesn't require this file. On Linux the easiest way is probably to use genisoimage as it comes pre-installed on many Linux distributions like Ubuntu. Run the following on terminal where exploit. It presents a menu which allows you to select any of the homebrew programs you chose to include on the disc and also allows booting from USB.
For the initial release, I didn't bother to reimplement a couple of functions used by the loader, so it requires that the ELF you load doesn't overwrite those functions I use those are around 0x - 0x85fff and 0x - 0x29ffff. I will probably remove this limitation in the future, but all ELFs I could find were fine with this limitation. You can run readelf -l to verify your executable satisfies this requirement. For example, this Tetris homebrew just uses 0x - 0xa :.
It's possible to patch backup images of commercial games to make them bootable using this exploit. I didn't want to maintain this tool, so it's not included in this repository, but can be found by searching for something like FreeDVDBoot ESR auto patcher. ELF instead for instance.
If you wish to update the loader payload, run build. IFO at the offsets displayed by the output of the command. If you want to test on PCSX2 using KrHacken's repacked DVD players, it loads udfio at a different base address, use the repacked Makefile to build an image for testing on the emulator:. Please read my technical writeup, to understand how the exploit works.
I've also provided some notes about porting in the gh-pages branch. Skip to content. Star 1. Branches Tags. Could not load branches. Could not load tags. Latest commit. CTurt 2. Git stats 61 commits. Failed to load latest commit information. More 2. Aug 12, Sep 6, Regression, fix 2.