Many people JavaScript and Flash does not use because according to popular web designer it slow the website so many people rejected it. This group create document which is called specification, when specification officially ratified by w3c then it become recommendation of the w3c so due to this after some year from invention of Cascading Style Sheet, W3C release it.
Using Cascading Style Sheet you can control the HTML document in which you can change the font of the text font size, font family, font color etc , change the background color, image, make the animation, and drop down menu, navigation bar, control the width and height of website layout, 3d animation, set the margin and padding of element or box etc there are many other advance properties in CSS3 version.
As you know that, with time to time it is my habit to update my old post because we want to add additional information for my students. Below this paragraph, if you are seeing, there are two web designing lessons are linked to this page for you.
So if you are really related to web designing then get bellow two classes directly from this post. Welcome to the E-Books section of C Corner. Hans-Petter Halvorsen, Table of Contents. Html5 complete tutorial pdf free download. This tutorial, please notify us at contact tutorialspoint. Website or in this tutorial, please notify us at contact tutorialspoint. Jquery complete tutorial pdf free download. It's free, yo, in multiple ways! Bonus chapters mentioned in this eBook are available after the index.
Css complete tutorial pdf free download. Mysql complete tutorial pdf free download. This part of the tutorial we're going to talk about Views, Controllers and a.
Server Express is free to download and use. Set up site in the same. This is how mysql indicates that it has not yet seen a complete statement and is. This tutorial is prepared for the beginners to help them understand basic ASP. This document provides an overview of many of the new features for ASP. To do this we use a W3C technology called Cascading Style Sheets CSS that allows document authors to specify the presentation of elements on a web page separately from the structure of the document.
This separation of structure from presentation simplifies maintaining and modifying a document's layout. This course is adapted to your level as well as all CSS pdf courses to better enrich your knowledge. All you need to do is download the training document, open it and start learning CSS for free.
This tutorial has been prepared for the beginners to help them understand basic CSS Web development. After completing this tutorial you will find yourself at a moderate level of expertise in CSS from where you can take yourself to next levels. This tutorial is designed for CSS students who are completely unaware of CSS concepts but they have basic understanding on Web development training.
N ever m ind. W ell, y ou do now! W ell, as y ou can see, after w e reach 9, instead of going straight to 10 as w e do w hen counting in decim al w e go through A, B, C, D, E, and F before w e finally hit That gives us six extra digits to use w hen w e count.
Sound confusing? W ell, as it so happens, com puters can count in hexadecim al far better than hum ans can! The key here is that all of those num bers that w e know and love in the decim al sy stem , like 2,, 15,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 , and 42, can be represented in hexadecim al. And Table 3. The values represent the proportions of red the ff part , green the first tw o zeros , and blue the second tw o zeros that are m ixed to create the specified color.
Those three prim ary colors can be com bined to display any color on the screen, sim ilar to the w ay a television set uses different am ounts of red, green, and blue to create a single dot on its screen. It m ay not surprise y ou, then, to learn that ff w ill give y ou the color red. The line-height property is an interesting one. Try tweaking this value, save your CSS file, and see how the new value affects the text on your web page. The padding property is used to provide space between the outside edge of the elem ent in question and the content that sits inside it.
We m entioned pixels before, when we specified the size of an im age, but what is a pixel? Basically, one pixel is one of the tiny dots that m ake up what you see on the com puter screen. Font-size keywords range from xx-small to xx-large and offer a quick way to style text. There are so m any m ore from which you can pick and choose—too m any possibilities, in fact, for us to be able to list them all here.
However, this section lists som e of the basic properties and values with which you m ight like to experim ent. Feel free to try any of these in your CSS file. Be sure to provide options that users are likely to have on their com puters e. Arial, Verdana, etc. Relative font sizes are definitely the preferred option. Before y ou experim ent using the CSS properties above, it m ight be an idea to m ake a backup of y our CSS file, just in case y ou run into difficulties.
Rem em ber that y ou can dow nload all the exam ples used in this chapter from the code archive if y ou accidentally m angle y our CSS file. Our site now boasts a CSS file using a selection of attractive styles. As you can see, em phasis elem ents appear in italics by default. Open style1.
Does your page look like the figure below? Now, whenever you add an em elem ent to any web page of your site assum ing that page is linked to style1. Presum ably, the default styles that browsers use were selected carefully; how can you be sure that redefining the styles is a good idea?
They probably are. Perhaps a com prom ise is in order. W hy not? W ell, m arking text as i say s nothing about its m eaning; i only com m unicates how it should be presented on the screen. Such elem ents are referred to as presentational HTML elem ents, and they should be avoided. Likew ise, the b elem ent for bold , another old HTML elem ent, should not be used.
The preferred option is to use strong or, if y ou just w ant to display headings in bold, use CSS. W hy is this im portant? It m ight not seem a big deal as y ou look at the italicized text in y our w eb brow ser. But im agine if y ou w ere blind, and y ou used softw are that read w eb pages aloud to y ou, instead of display ing them on the screen. This program called a screen reader m ight read text m arked up w ith an em elem ent using slight em phasis, and text m arked up w ith strong in a m ore pow erful voice though this, of course, depends on the screen reader being used.
But w hat w ould it do w ith text m arked up w ith i or b? W ell, these elem ents say nothing about the m eaning of the text, so it w ould not treat them in any special w ay —thus potentially losing the m eaning that y ou w ere try ing to convey. A search engine e. One other presentational tag that y ou m ight see others use, but should never copy , is the u elem ent.
W rap this around som e text and needless underlining occurs that only serves to confuse users. A pen or a sheep? Well, the answer is either, depending on the context. After all, you spend m any hours a week rounding up herds of sheep into a big, solid pen. Context can change a situation quite drastically, and we can use context to our advantage in CSS. We can style an elem ent in a num ber of different ways, depending on its position. Can you spot which one it is? The fact that this particular paragraph is contained within a specific div elem ent—which has an id attribute of tagline —can be useful.
Your page should now look sim ilar to the one shown below. Perhaps a CSS-to-English translation is required. Con t e x t u a l Se le ct or s tagline p is known as a contextual selector. Plus, once you have a lot of styles on the page, it is even m ore difficult to m aintain. You can! Edit your CSS file style1. You should be looking at a page like the one shown in Figure 3.
That CSS really does kill several birds with one stone figuratively speaking, of course; I did say no anim als would be harm ed! Not only do you have the convenience of being able to style m any pages from one central location your CSS file , but you have the added convenience of being able to style m any elem ents in one go.
Your CSS file becom es easier to m anage and—a nice little side -benefit— sm aller, and therefore quicker to download. The nam e is deliberate. You m ight w ant to add another sty le to y our w eb site at a later date, and num bering is a basic w ay to keep track of the sty les y ou can apply to a site. For exam ple, y ou can edit marine.
But som ething interesting is happening in our CSS file: it appears that we m ay have a conflict in our rules.
Or have we? Re ca ppin g Ou r Pr ogr e ss Tim e for another breather. What have we learned? That topic is links. St ylin g Lin k s Links are everywhere on the Web: they truly are the basis of everything you see online. Try adding that to your style1. In CSS, you can change the styling of all these link states using pseudo -classes, which sounds com plicated but really is fairly straightforward.
Adding pseudo-classes to your style sheet m eans the browser applies the rule when the elem ent is in the state specified by the pseudo-class. Try to rem em ber the letters LVHA.
Save the CSS file. Open any of the three web pages in your browser or hit Reload to see how the styled links display. Feel free to experim ent in the CSS file with the different foreground and background colors, and other text form atting styles that were detailed in the table earlier in this chapter. This is alm ost certainly the case w ith our three-page project site—the links in y our navigation list are probably all gray. Click on this and it w ill bring up a Delete Brow sing History dialog w ith m ore options, as show n in Figure 3.
Afterw ards, reload the w eb page. Any links y ou m ay have visited w ill now appear as unvisited. The process for clearing history in older versions is a little easier—just look for the button on the Internet Options dialogue that say s Clear History.
Figure 3. However, im plem enting broad -brush styles, such as coloring the text in all p elem ents navy, is very m uch a blanket approach to design.
What if you want som e of those paragraphs or any elem ents, for that m atter to look a little different than the rest? Class selectors are the answer. A class selector lets you define a style that can be used over and over again to style m any different elem ents. You could do so in your CSS like this:. Save style1. This is how your m arkup should look right now: about. This saves us from having to apply these different classes all over our pages an affliction that has becom e known as class-itis—a not -too-distant relation of div-itis, which we discussed earlier.
Are y ou confused by them? So, for exam ple, on any w eb page, there can only be one elem ent w ith an id of mainnavigation , and only one w ith an id of header. A class, on the other hand, can appear as m any tim es as required. Tip: Lim iting Classes to Specific Elem ents Im agine y ou w ant to italicise any blockquote elem ent that has a class attribute w ith the value fun , but not other elem ents w ith that class value.
Think it sounds tricky? Not w ith CSS! Take a look:. Tip: Specifically Speaking Those w ith an eagle ey e w ill have noticed that not all of the fun sty les in the previous exam ple are actually applied to the quotation. The font-family and letter-spacing declarations take effect, but the color change does not! The reason for this can be explained w ith the concept of specificity. Specificity sim ply m eans the rule that is the m ost specific is the one that is applied.
Determ ining w hich rule is the m ost specific is a little bit com plex, but understandable. In our sty le sheet, the specificity is easy to determ ine: the.
Im agine if, how ever, w e added another rule like this:. This is because the. St ylin g Pa r t ia l Te x t Usin g span So, a class can be applied in m any different places—perhaps to a specific paragraph, or to a block of several paragraphs contained in a blockquote , or to a div that holds m any different types of content.
But what would you do if you wanted to apply the style to a very sm all section of text—m aybe just a couple of words, or even just a couple of letters, within a paragraph? For this, once again, you can use the span elem ent. Earlier in this chapter I showed how you could use the span elem ent in conjunction with inline styles to pick out and style specific words within a paragraph.
When you decide that you want to have a different kind of fun so to speak , you need only change your style sheet style1. If you save the changes and check them in your browser rem em ber to hit Reload , your page should look like the one shown below.
Other exam ples m ight be em , cite , and blockquote. The web site is starting to look a little m ore colorful, but the layout is still fairly basic.
Styling text?