These are salted hashes , meaning an expected-unique value normally random and called salt is added to the hash computation. This causes the need to test each key for each different salt, effectively reducing the performance of the attack by the number of salts used. Note that performance of attack on one salted hash is similar to that of attack on a non-salted hash; it's only when many hashes are attacked the use of salts strengthens the security of hashes.
We will try all our wordlists sorted by size. Let's finish with Phrases key-provider without rules enabled. Begin with a Wordlist key-provider fig 13 without rules enabled. We don't use wikipedia-wordlist-sraveau Let's try DB Info key-provider without rules enabled. With this we finish our quick tour of salted hashes and how to approach them.
We go back to NTLM hashes for the rest of the tutorial. We have enough time left that we can employ "smart" brute-force. We plan what we will do for password length from 8 and up. Given a speed of 9. It is pretty clear we expect to maximize found passwords using password lengths 8 and 9. We distribute the remaining 41 hours between these two lengths proportionally to the Coverage , giving us 30 hours for length 8 and 11 hours for length 9.
Hash Suite might automate this analysis and length distribution in a future version. Start a Charset attack fig 14 with password length 8 and the 75 most used characters as charset fig Start a Charset attack fig 14 with password length 9 and the 44 most used characters as charset.
Stop the attack when you approach 12 and a half hours of cracking time. How good is this? We score and would end up 4th of the 18 teams that participated in the contest. On the other hand, Hash Suite 3. Cracking passwords may be fun, but each cracked password is a weak password that represents a security risk. Hash Suite is a very fast and simple yet powerful password cracker that can help keep your organization users' passwords safe. We hope that with this tutorial Hash Suite use will be simpler to a broad number of customers.
Fast, powerful, simple. Tutorial This tutorial was written using Hash Suite 3. General background Storing user passwords in plain text naturally results in an instant compromise of all passwords if the password file is compromised. Hash Suite Key-Providers Hash Suite offers a number of different ways named key-providers to generate candidate passwords which are sometimes referred to as keys : Charset: Generates keys trying all combinations of a given charset.
Also called brute-force. Wordlist: Generates keys taking them from a dictionary. Very successful and requires low resources. Keyboard: Generates keys trying combinations of adjacent keys on a keyboard. Phrases: Generates phrases combining words from a wordlist. Useful to try long passwords. Useful with rules enabled. Fig 1: Welcome Dialog. Fig 2: Benchmark on tutorial hardware. Fig 3: Hardware Tab. In other cases experiment with values ranging from the maximum value to 0.
Fig 4: Select good wordlists to download. Obtain hashes To crack hashes we first need to obtain them. Fig 5: Import hashes.
Fig 6: Statistics of imported hashes. Let's begin our 2 days cracking quest. Cracking LM hashes LM hashes were introduced in earlier versions of Windows and support for them continued in later versions for backwards compatibility, even though they were recommended by Microsoft to be turned off. Fig 7: Charset Selected. Fig 8: Common passwords of length 7.
Fig Keyboard selected. Advanced support includes 2 years of support via e-mail up to 10 hours of effort , with guaranteed response time of no worse than 24 hours usual response time is under 12 hours. Usage tip: Hash Suite can be moved to other computers simply by copying the folder. All settings are saved in a file and continue to work even after the user moves the program. Fast, powerful, simple. Download free version Please ensure your Java runtime is of the same "bitness" as your version of Hash Suite - e.
Hash Suite also requires a proper version of video drivers the up-to-date driver is recommended. Could not load branches. Could not load tags. Latest commit. Git stats 42 commits. Failed to load latest commit information. View code. Hash Suite Droid Hash Suite Droid is, as far as we're aware, the first multi-hash cracker developed specifically for Android devices as compared to the rather rough unofficial builds of John the Ripper for Android.
For example, with small-screen smartphones Hash Suite Droid shows 3 tabs, whereas with tablets it shows all functionality on one screen. Cracking On: Pressing the power button while cracking shuts down the screen, but the cracking continues.