You Would have had to give them permission to do this, however, I assume that you have done this by accident. Step 2: Scroll down until you see Apps or Manage Apps. Tap on this. Step 3: Under the All section, look for the Hangouts app. Step 4: Now click on the Clear Data and Cache option.
The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Text message with pictures: "Download" button does nothing Ask Question.
Asked 7 years, 8 months ago. Active 5 years, 11 months ago. Viewed k times. When people send me text messages with a picture attached, I receive the message but it says something like this, with a "download" button: Message size: 1KB Expires: AM, Mar 12 [Download] When I press the download button, it changes to the text "Downloading" for a moment, and then it changes back to the download button and nothing else happens.
I'm pretty stumped. Update 2: Suggestion to check APN settings. Improve this question. JohnD JohnD 1 1 gold badge 1 1 silver badge 6 6 bronze badges. Try opening the "Downloads" app, or use a file explorer to look at various folders on the phone. It may be that the message app you use simply stores it in a folder and expects you to handle it afterwards.
StephenSchrauger - thanks, I went to the downloads app. There are 2 tabs: "internet downloads" and "other downloads" but there is nothing under either of them. When you are using any website or any app, the applications start storing some files for future references. It includes the password, cookies, URL, and some other information also.
The data is saved in the cache of the app. For example, if you are reading a piece of news in a news app then the information of the news will get download when the first time you have open that and then even if you do not have internet the page will open because this time the data is coming from the cache.
So, this is the advantage of the cache. But sometimes, your app misbehaves due to the majority of the data or due to the bogged space.
Hence it is always recommended to clear the cache of your app frequently. But now, it has seemingly spread to other devices too. If you are one of the users facing this issue, then there are a few possible fixes that have been given below. This has reportedly fixed the problem for a few users. Turn off Wi-Fi calling: You can do that from your network settings. This has worked for several users.
Also, make sure that at least one option is selected therein. Leave a comment below if it did. And while it may or may not be a solution for you, it was still something worth highlighting.