Ashan the Elder then stepped up. Kul allies. Llovar had split the forces into several con- had exhausted him, and Timmorran survived the onslaught. The Locust Master called known as the Viper, the greatest archer of the Uthuk. In , the Host of Thorns invaded Talindon, sweeping all What Llovar had not anticipated was that Timmorran before them.
On the Ashen Field, the Host fell upon an army had been conserving his own magical energies for this very led by King Falladir and his sons. They fought valiantly. A occasion. Llovar summoned of Nashaia. But Llovar had numbers, magic, and malice on his forth Ynfernael monstrosities only for Timmorran to boil side, and by the end of the day, the three Penacors lay dead them away with blazing arcane light. A small group of ragged survivors, led by Timmorran shrouded himself within a shield of pure force the noble young Baron Daqan, escaped the slaughter.
Only and withstood its blows. They could only ride off through rotten heart. So Llovar fell. He chose a strategic location for a desperate thing to use as a standard. Then, rank by rank, the forces of the stand, the flanks of his force protected on one side by the deep Host of Thorns turned and fled from the Broken Crags.
The waters of Lake Clearstar and on the other by the sheer slopes Battle of the Locusts was over; the First Darkness had passed. They ran down the from the rear. He and his troops were relieved to find that it fleeing Uthuk and plundered their baggage train. By the time was a force of Dwarves from Thelgrim. Halgir Son of Grom order was restored, the body of the Locust Lord was lost, and had finally talked the Dunwarr Deeplords into commit- the fate of his lieutenants was unknown.
If such up after our fourth or fifth cup. It is also said, though, that one may find ic beasts spearheading each blood-filled attack. Kul led the third wave, concentrating on giving regret that the allied soldiers did not keep better discipline, covering fire to his vanguard as they broke through to Tim- such that those villains would have faced final justice that day.
Once confident and brash, the general was now given to sullen moods. T he realm of Talindon was left shattered, and the Penacor line extinguished. Timmorran thought to take advan- tage of the situation and attempt a new form of government ran beseeched him to command the army once again. To the rejoicing of his troops, Waiqar accepted. He and his troops van- Penacor crown.
Daqan ordered the building of ernment he envisioned. He persuaded the baron to take the guard towers along the borders of the forbidden lands so that throne, but he also advised him to openly swear that he would he could station patrols there to watch for signs of resurgent have no heirs and would instead install a Council of Barons Uthuk.
In the years since, the watchtowers have fallen into to govern after him. Whether King Daqan exercised his own will or merely acted Yet, in the hour of his triumph, Waiqar scorned all praise. His coro- had the wizard seen fit to augment their military efforts with nation was held in , and Daqan was soon regarded as a magic, the lives of many brave soldiers could have been saved.
As Daqan organized the rebuilding of the kingdom, many noted that the character of his society was different than that Daqan founded the great citadel of Archaut in a calm south- of the Penacor realm. Elves traveled the land openly, assisting ern valley and placed at its center a great hall.
During iron found in the northern hills. This cosmopolitan flavor, and one of these discussions, it was decided that Waiqar Sumarion the increasing authority provided to the Council of Barons to would be elevated to the Council and granted lands in the be known in more recent times as the Council of Thirteen due northwest of Terrinoth, near the Misty Hills and marshes of to its number , led to a new age of optimism and prosperity.
Penacor name and stated that the realm of Talindon ought to pass into history with its rulers. Led by Waiqar, the throughout the world. He was becoming increasingly absorbed Council took resolute action: it had Castle Heronglade razed with the need to preserve his teachings and abilities for future to the ground and the baron seized.
Ulon Heronglade never generations, and he raised a village that would bo on to become stopped protesting his innocence, even as he dangled from a a place of learning and study: Greyhaven.
While he occasion- cage from the gates of Archaut and slowly starved to death. What that Waiqar Sumarion may have been the real culprit. After had begun as a petty dispute about the borders of their neigh- all, he soon used the situation to unleash evil upon Terrinoth. He never arrived, and later, his crowned helmet was dis- should be diplomatic about if you ever wish to suggest such a covered near a lonely stretch of road.
After the regicide, those journey, their remains scattered by wolves. The Council now ruled supreme. Others suggest that, as his body was never recovered, King Daqan may not have been killed. I find this a comforting hope, for surely his return would be a glorious event that heralds a new golden age.
His dream was to create a reservoir of magical power so potent that wizards who came after him would be able to use it to power countless spells. This magic would be relatively easy to work, and run less risk of inviting any Ynfernael corruption. At the Tower of Meringyr, Timmorran and his acolytes strove to create the Orb, and he invested so much of his own energy into the artifact that he grew visibly infirm. Oh, to have seen this wondrous item! I have tried to describe it, but readers should know mere words are as lacking as an empty skin to a parched traveler.
That much con- densed power—my mind reels. His soldiers were well prepared to storm the keep, using an iron-bound ram to shat- ter the gates. He cast spells of unbinding and hurled the crystal sphere to the steel floor of the forge so powerfully that it shattered.
Using magic, he chan- neled the myriad pieces into an enchanted velvet pouch. This he placed in the safekeeping of Lumii Tamar, foremost of the acolytes who studied at Meringyr. Timmorran had Lumii swear that he would distribute the fragments of the Orb throughout the world, entrusting each only to a being he deemed wise enough to use it. Through a quite unprecedented act of high magic, Lumii slipped past the terrible forces that laid waste to the Vale, and all but a single fragment went with him.
Waiqar and his bodyguard burst into the workshop, and the vile baron was enraged to find that the Orb had been destroyed. Timmorran was exhausted from his efforts, and it was a simple matter for Waiqar to slay the defenseless wizard who was once his friend.
Surely the foulest act to ever occur in our lands, at least in my eyes. In , Timmorran made a fleeting public appearance at a Waiqar grasped the one piece of the Orb he could find, memorial service for King Daqan held at Archaut. He swore that anyone trouble it would cause if the Orb fell into the wrong hands. The lives of those who geons. Yet the dead did not rest easy. Waiqar Sumarion, and violence.
The Council of Barons granted Lumii the Barony. The northwest of Terrinoth had always been a forbid- authority to create and head an order of wizards tasked with ding place of misty moorland and sucking slough.
After the protecting the Stars and advising on matters regarding them. Night of Betrayal, though, it darkened even more, becoming Lumii, and the Stars, pass from history at this moment.
But so much of the histori- light would not penetrate. Dur- terrible words. Waiqar, however, was cunning. Incensed by this news, the young and impetuous Baron Ire- Certain rumors suggest that Zarihell had been liberated hythe seized the empty chair reserved for Waiqar at the Coun- from the dungeons of the Black Citadel alongside Waiqar cil table, intending to fling it from the hallway window.
As he after the First Darkness, although no official records state such strained to lift the chair, he succumbed to a shrieking fit and a thing. Most agree that she was an Elf of a mysterious lineage fell to the floor, seized by searing pain and nightmarish visions as well as surpassing persuasive ability, and that this no doubt before he passed away. In Tamalir, she established the first of the Death Cults of Waiqar, which promised liberation both from corrupt baronial rule and, ulti- mately, from mortality itself.
As the armies of Terrinoth closed in on Waiqar, the cult in Tamalir insti- gated a destructive riot in the city. The Barons of Terrinoth were now vexed. Should they continue to commit their military assets to containing and confronting Wai- qar, or should they work instead to quell the unrest in Tamalir? And day after day, they received only new reports of chaos and mur- der in the Free City. They turned their armies around and marched toward Tamalir.
A purpose. Waiqar did not simply wish to conquer and despoil; boat arrived at the makeshift harbor that had been dug into instead, he fixed on the goal of finding and acquiring the the riverbank, and a stranger walked onto the quay. He intro- Stars of Timmorran. While his legions plundered towns and duced himself as Kellos and claimed he was a holy man. He farmsteads for weapons and the fresh, raw materials for new said that he had studied a magical tradition that had mastered undead soldiers, Waiqar directed them to take specific people fire and vitality, and he worked miracles of healing among the prisoner, drag them back to his lands, and interrogate them refugees of Dawnsmoor.
Wherever there were enemies, the for news of the Stars. By the time the Barons arrived at Tamalir, the death dult Within weeks, Kellos was the central figure of a burgeoning there had vanished. He had an eye for recognizing magical potential in his They had begun to travel throughout Terrinoth, establishing acolytes, and soon he was surrounded by a bevy of priests who new cells of the death cult wherever they came to rest.
Now could perform minor versions of his own miracles. In particu- that Waiqar and his armies were on the move, the leaders of lar, many claimed Kellos himself had recovered from death. After this tale became widespread, Kellos was spoken of have this as something she perhaps deigned to do more for not merely as a holy man, but as a divine being.
Between them, they ensured that every guard the cities of Terrinoth. The barons chased after Waiqar. Their combined forces might have been enough to shatter the Deathborn Legion, but Once more, the Elves and Dwarves mustered their own Waiqar, still a superlative strategist, always managed to avoid forces to aid Terrinoth.
The combined might of the allied conclusive engagements. Life in the cities became so perilous armies proved too much for the Deathborn Legion. Waiqar that citizens left them in droves, and a number of refugees could not avoid open battle against so many foes, and while soon set up a rough camp by the banks of the Flametail River.
Soon, the camp gained the necromancy. Soon, the numbers of the Deathborn Legion name Dawnsmoor, perhaps as the refugees began to see some dwindled, and in , they were forced to retreat back to the glimmer of hope for their future. Dawnsmoor became a bus- Cursed Barony. They sought to buildings among the tents and shacks. He still travels the world to this very day, harried his forces so brutally that when they finally regrouped, it is said, and those in Vynelvale patiently await his eventual they were in no state to defend their lands.
The Deathborn return to Terrinoth. Legion soon fell on the Barony of Camford in force. It was I myself do not know if this is the true origin of Kellos, utterly ravaged, and the baron and his heirs were slaughtered. Once in my travels I wit- morran were in the keeping of the newly formed Lumii Order.
Many oth- He focused on Archaut, both as the capital of Terrinoth and ers have spoken in our halls here at Greyhaven of similarly also a likely location for the Order, but it was well defended impressive feats. Thus, Waiqar fine one indeed.
For readers those interested in learning more, turned his attention to weakening the baronies through plun- a visit to Vynelvale is certainly in order. W aiqar Sumarion was defeated, but not destroyed. Within the mist-shrouded borders of his barony sat the dreaded fortress of Zorgas, modeled on the Black Citadel, within which he had languished as a prisoner.
The leaders of Terrinoth erected a series of towers from which to keep watch over the borders of the Cursed Barony. However, they were mindful of the expense that had been lavished previously on the towers that overlooked the eastern wastes, towers they had yet to benefit from.
The new towers were far more modest constructions, staffed by a meager body of guards. The lands that had previously been the possessions of Barons Heronglade, Camford, and Irehythe were shared among the neighboring nobles, leading to a particular extension of the borders of Soulstone lands. As time passed and a feeling of security began to return to Terrinoth, the Stars of Timmorran began to emerge from the places in which Lumii and his followers had hidden them.
They slowly made their way into the treasuries of barons and the laboratories of wizards, and they were used in the work- ings of magical wonders. The barons initially resisted these developments, but they had lost face due to their indecisive actions during the Second Darkness.
If they could not defend the cities, the cities would ensure their own protection. In time, Frostgate in the far north, Greyhaven with its famed university, the southern town of Riverwatch and its skilled riders, Vynelvale with its many followers of Kellos, and forbidding Nerekhall, were all granted charters modeled on that which was granted to Tamalir.
Even Dawnsmoor, while still largely a settlement of shacks, com- manded enough influence to be deemed a Free City. Despite their waning influence, the Daqan Lords of this period oversaw increasing prosperity and freedom. The Dun- warr Dwarves shared in this good fortune, and they built many great mining colonies and strongholds across the moun- tainsides of the land. He planned a num- plague Terrinoth. The barons, while presenting the outside ber of extravagant castles and holdfasts, the ruins of which can world with a united face, schemed against one another.
Many still be found throughout the country. Coop- performed, including many feats of engineering, medicine, eration between the barons ground to a halt, and other than landscaping, and even statecraft. The ruling Soulstone line funding patrols to guard against resurgent enemies, they no became especially adept in their use.
Eleanor II, for example, longer pooled resources in the way King Daqan had hoped was as renowned for her amethyst Star as she was for her and encouraged for them to do. Her serene yet stern image can still be seen in the In , hostilities reached such a point that the barons many gold coins minted during her days.
These battles were cautious affairs, for the barons still felt it necessary to garrison Terrinoth This wondrous period of history is known by many names. Then, in , Baron Cedrick Soulstone claimed the flourished. Trade and cooperation between the Dunwarr, the Kingdom of Terrinoth, dominating his rivals through a care- Latari, the Lorimor Empire, and Terrinoth peaked, and the fully orchestrated synergy of military action, political intrigue, treasuries of these nations grew fat with the profits of com- and popular support.
In particular, Soulstone promised a more merce and innovation. The Latari Elves The members of the Council of Barons were unanimous in do not refer to the Time of the Elder Kings, and I think their their opposition to Baron Soulstone, but he had the support own name is, sadly, more appropriate. King Soulstone became known as the Usurper King, for he soon abolished the Council of Thirteen and peacefully took over governance of the Free Cities.
He still held councils with the other barons at Archaut, but he refused to sit in his old chair, taking for himself the massive throne that had sat empty since the death of Daqan. Whether they knew it or not, their words would prove true. They were traded for gold and used to engineer many public works and spectacles.
Many of these still exist today, though sadly most are in poor states of repair or are only blackened ruins. These lands began to locate a number of the Stars he craved, the Dragonlord Mar- be referred to collectively as the Fair Realms, reflecting the gath knew from the outset of his campaign what he wanted fact that mutual standards of civilized behavior, rule of law, and where to get it. He too hungered for the Stars of Timmor- military alliance, and appreciation of wonder were shared ran, and while they could be found throughout the world, a between the peoples.
Although denizens of Terrinoth might great cache of them was held in the treasury of King Trevnor find life among the Elves difficult due to their aloof arrogance Soulstone, who kept his court in the Free City of Tamalir. At the walls of the city, the dragons faced times of harmony and seemingly easy prosperity, was about to little opposition.
The dragon hybrids descended on towers and come to a violent and terrible end. It is said that Margath himself broke into the roy- In , several hordes of dragons invaded Terrinoth from al palace and burned the king to charred meat, along with his Molten Heath far to the northeast. Their fiery arrival heralded family and retainers. Terrinoth was left without a ruler once the Third Darkness.
These dragons were motivated by greed, more, and the dragons gathered up the riches from the palace for having heard so many tales of the Stars in common use for treasury, including a sizable cache of the Stars of Timmorran. While these attacks were almost simultaneous, the increased, and in their desperation, they were even willing to dragonlords were not initially in alliance with one another, turn the Stars they had in their possession into weapons of and they even sent portions of their hordes to attack the forces war with which they could win even greater hoards of plunder.
They were each According to some accounts, it was the Dragonlord Zir who simply out to collect as many Stars as they could. This process involved the use of approach, as these creatures were previously not seen in Ter- dragonfire to soften the Star, and the incredible sharpness of rinoth. They are said to have been the offspring of a being her own claws to inscribe the mark. That they are the spawn of perform all manner of magical spells, into a runebound shard, dragons is clear from their form.
They have long snouts filled a smaller, stable artifact that could be used by a bearer with no with sharp teeth, snaking tails, and thick scales that cover their magical knowledge to cast a particular spell. In stature they are similar to Humans, albeit taller and more heavily muscled.
Unsurprisingly, as they are kin to drag- As you may recall, Elven myths attest to the creation of ons, some hybrids have wings and some breathe fire, though the physical realm through the words of the Yrthwrights. My not all do. As they are also kin to Humans, some hybrids also Runemaster colleagues at Greyhaven suspect that the carved made deadly use of armor and weaponry. Some of these runes are known as dragon runes, which Swarms of these hybrids accompanied their larger cousins are thought to have the name of the dragonlord who inscribed in the invasion, and their presence gave the forces of dragons the rune incorporated into them.
Make of this what you will; a degree of tactical flexibility they had lacked in times past. I, however, trust my learned colleagues in this matter. Yet, while those drakes had been terrible unbeatable. Now, the dragon hybrids that formed the van- foes, they had been lacking in numbers. Before the start of guard of an assault could carry with them runebound shards the Third Darkness, an organized defense centered on heavy that made their armor impervious to missile fire, and mighty missile fire, dispersed formations, and support from massed drakes could teleport short distances and leach energy from pikemen was thought to effectively counter a dragon attack, their foes in order to heal their own injuries.
Instead, his forces fractured, and each dragonlord led a smaller pack of its own. These raiding armies swooped upon the realms of the Elves, Dwarves, and Humans, burn- ing and ravaging as they went with no discernible battle strategy. The aim of the dragons at this time becomes less clear, for while they continued to search for Stars with which to create more runebound shards, they also seemed to acquire a taste for slaughter for its own sake. Even the Orcs of the Broken Plains suffered from the depredations of the dragons, despite the fact that not a single Star of Timmorran had ever been in their possession.
A force of dragons led by Gehennor took to per- secuting the Dunwarr Dwarves in particular. His dragon hybrids made assaults into the cavernous halls of the Dunwarr Deeps, while the larger dragons ambushed any forces sent to reinforce the beleaguered defenders.
As bad as these raids were, they were as noth- ing to his final, devastating attack later in the war. This city was a desirable prize for the dragons, as vol- canic fires burned within the depths of the mountain. The Dragonlord Avox led the assault on the city.
He Terrinoth allied themselves to his cause. The first of these, per- enslaved the Dwarves and forced them to dig deep into the haps predictably enough, was Waiqar the Betrayer, who dis- mountains, reserving for himself the riches they found. The patched columns of undead warriors to aid the dragons. What dragons roved the countryside around the hold, abducting he hoped to gain by this remains a mystery, but I speculate Human from nearby villages to join the slaves in the mines.
Perhaps Lithelin gate and laid siege to the silver palace of Caelcira. The the Undying thought the dragons might repay him with an Elves were better able to weather an assault than the Dwarves. Some even Even with the protection granted by the runebound shards, believe Waiqar himself was the cause of the dragon war, having the hybrids suffered heavy losses, and when they fell, the Elves planted word of the Stars and their use across the Heath to were quick to capture the runes and work out how to use them.
And thus Caelcira, the silver palace, remained unbowed. Quite took heavy losses in return and never overran the Aymhelin as who these terrible warriors are and why they seem to appear they did Tamalir and Thelgrim. In the earliest days of Penacor Farther afield, dragon forces harried the skies of Lorimor, rule, King Arcus had vanquished a band of reavers operating though the Imperial army was quick to construct a great array under such a name, and the murder of King Daqan has also of ballistae around their cities, with which they repelled the been attributed to them, among other atrocities.
Across the sea, even the cities of Al-Kalim came under attack by dragon forces. It is safe ended in her slaying the Dragonlord Avox. The slaves there to say that they were committed to wickedness, equipped in hailed her as a savior and asked her to become governor of the manner of elite heavy cavalry, and happy to fight for the Forge after the depredations of the dragons, the inhabitants reward of runebound shards.
Even some corrupt Terrinoth brooked no association with the Yrthwrights , now envisioned lords were tempted to throw their lot in with the dragonlords as a new Free City.
In northeastern Terrinoth, the dragons suffered the most The dragons sorely needed such allies, for despite the drag- decisive defeat of their campaign. Once again, Dwarves, Elves, and morran. However, the rumors were part of a ruse. No Stars Humans began to coordinate a defense against the darkness. Winter needed to slay a dragonlord. He bore an ice storm runebound was considered an advantageous time to organize efforts against shard, with which he could summon freezing rain, and a rare the dragons.
The cold weather turned the reptilian beings slug- soulstone runebound shard from the royal vaults in Archaut, gish and drowsy, and they spent the sunless months consolidat- which leached the life from his enemies and filled him with ing their victories and conserving their strength.
He was mounted upon a rare Yeron, one of the winged horses of the Elves. Lord Roland had antici- clave.
The Orcs were in an unusual position: they desperately pated this, and from his mountainside perch, he took to the air needed help facing the threat posed by the dragons, but they and used his runebound shard to call forth freezing rain on the were widely distrusted due to the part they had played in aid- position of Margath the Unkind. Before being invited to the conclave, the chiefs from a of the great drake. Horse and rider tumbled cannot relate any occurrences of them violating these oaths in from the sky to their deaths.
The people of Kell hailed a great the years since, despite several unconfirmed accounts. Heroic Abilities New Skills and Rules New Talents Magic Implements Gear and Services Item Attachments and Enchantments Magic Items The Magic of Mennara Magic Skills Runebound Shards The Strength of Devotion The Virtues of Verse Elven Magic The Free Cities The Mistlands Secrets of the Grave The Aymhelin The Dunwarr Mountains The Molten Heath The Broken Plains The Ru Steppes and Beyond Whispers of the Ynfernael Lorimor and the Torue Albes This book.
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