Spider-Man often feels like it will keep heading down this bland path but then surprises you with some cool innovations. The 'birdhouse' level that is crumbling around you is one of the best indoor settings. Outdoors, you'll fly past convincingly rendered skyscrapers that really do seem like they are scraping the sky.
Interestingly, the earliest outdoor level was not as textured as some of the later airborne battles. Faster camera movement and a completely different control scheme would have made these outdoor levels much more fun. The techno soundtrack from the movie is a highlight, and the voice acting is also top notch. None of the other movie actors did voice work for the game, but that's not necessarily a bad thing, especially if you grew tired of listening to Kristen Durst whine through most of her movie scenes.
Spider-Man makes some funny comments as you progress through the game, such as the time he chastises you for running away from a crime scene. These self-deprecating comments are a little odd, considering you are supposed to BE Spider-Man, but they're still funny. Maguire sounded a little lethargic at times, but that might have been intentional. Spider-Man could have really shined on the PC if it had a multiplayer component.
It would have been really cool to allow players to be villains in the story with all the weapons and power-ups for that character. Unfortunately, there are no other modes in the game other than the single-player, unless you count a 'secret' area where you can call up videos from the game and enter cheats.
If you don't hit your head on the computer monitor out of frustration, cursing the day developers started porting console games to PC rather than the other way around, then Spider-Man might be one of a handful of platform games that has enough variety in gameplay to hold your attention all the way to the grand finale.
It's worth it, but only if you have the patience to deal with a control interface that could drive you batty. When I extract all I see are some files that say to go to microsoft store please help I really want to play this game but I don't know what to do I would really appreciate it if anyone will tell me how to fix this.
I'm super confused when I am in the setup its telling me to insert disc 2 which I have but it won't work. I was able to complete the installation, but when I launch the game, it tells me to insert disc two, even though it is already inserted. I am using Virtual Clone Drive. I tried unmounting and re-mounting, switching to disc one, even mounting both discs at the same time. Not sure what I am doing wrong. Aunque soy un veterano, muy viejo. Me gustan estos juegos que para mi tienen un aire de frescura y no requieren que tengas una computadora potente.
Saludos desde Buenos Aires Argentina. Guys I really don't want to download it because I am afraid it is a virus please tel me if it is a virus. Alrighty I was actually able to solve the problem. Is everyone else playing this one without any problems? Any help would be appreciated! How do I install the game?
I've tried extracting the file, but all I get when I do are a bunch files that send me to the Microsoft store, for some reason, when clicked on. Please help!! The games awesome, but there's this weird glitch where the screen flashes pink and blue whenever I snort crack while playing.
Share your gamer memories, help others to run the game or comment anything you'd like. All of this is made possible by Spider-Man's super strength, agility and amazing webbing powers, which he uses to swing from building to building as well as to trap and pound on his enemies.
A third-person camera follows the wall-walker through the adventures, giving you a view of him and his somewhat streamlined environment.
It's not exactly an ideal situation, though, because like many third-person 3D games, the camera view ranges from cinematic to downright awkward, and there's very little you can do to control it.
Scenarios and cut-scenes are linear and directed in nature, and the storyline, such as it is, is revealed in the form of animated sequences between missions and in a series of very appropriate voice-overs by Stan Lee, original creator of the Spider-Man comic book.
You're pointed clearly towards each game goal either through the use of Spider-Man's danger-detecting 'spider sense,' which takes the form of a directional arrow onscreen, or in the form of fairly direct hints. These serve to move the game along quickly, and keep you from getting mired in any overly complicated 'find the widget' quests. Spider-Man is first and foremost an action game, not a superhero RPG, so the emphasis isn't on puzzle solving or creating an immersive world in which to get lost.
You're here to kick some bad guy butt and take names. This linearity is one of the areas where Spider-Man's origins as a console game really show through; its ancestors aren't 3D shooters, but rather run the gamut of platform and punch-kick-and-jump games. Whether the linearity is good or bad is largely a question of individual taste, and perhaps age. A less appealing legacy of Spider-Man's console origins is the control interface, and the multi-button combos required for some of the more elaborate moves.
A game controller is recommended, as there's really no way to make keyboard control mapping anything other than awkward. It can be used, but will be an irritation throughout the entire game. This disc contains a special demo of the Spider-Man game, along with promotional material for the movie.
There are some differences between this Kellogg's Edition of the game and the original, including in-game billboard ads for The Kellogg Company and 'Got Milk? This demo was also updated in technical aspects.
The demo contains a native 30 FPS cap absent from the full release, support for higher resolutions, and support for more modern controllers. The demo allows players to play until the end of the Rhino boss battle. The demo removes the training, gallery, and cheat functions from the full game. All you need to do to launch the game is un-zip the download, navigate to the 'demo' folder, and launch 'SpideyPC'. Installation is optional on most modern systems.
To access the bonus content, you can navigate the folder, or use the 'Launcher' within the base folder. Full program installation is also an option from this application.
Who wouldn't want to be a superhero for a day, zooming through the skies, protecting the innocent city below from criminals and evildoers? It's a dream of every kid, big and small. Activision's Spider-Man, a Windows port of the PlayStation and Nintendo 64 title, gives computer users the chance to do just that, taking on the role of Marvel Comic's arachnid avenger.
Spider-Man is true to its roots, both as a console title and as a comic book, and that is both its strongest suit and weakest flaw. Throughout the 3D action-adventure, our web-slinging alter ego progresses through the usual series of cartoon scenarios: fighting bad guys, rescuing innocents, and confronting super villains. All of this is made possible by Spider-Man's super strength, agility and amazing webbing powers, which he uses to swing from building to building as well as to trap and pound on his enemies.
A third-person camera follows the wall-walker through the adventures, giving you a view of him and his somewhat streamlined environment.