Alien Shooter Free Download setup in single link. Alien shooter is very interesting game because it is full of action and adventure. Alien shooter is one of the best shooting games. If your desire is to play shooting games so no one is better then Alien shooter. It is product of Sigma team and it is released on 14th September Take advantage of the most advanced weapons technology money can buy. Equip yourself with shotguns, magma mini guns, and biomechanical implants in order to send those aliens packing.
One minute you're looking for extra ammo by a laboratory footlocker, the next a swarm of growling monsters is streaming through the door. You'll find your fingers tested as you try to dodge the huge amount of aliens which come at you as you frantically blast away in this overhead shooter. With 6 different alien types and 9 unique weapons, the variety of action and strategy keeps you interested as you work through all 10 levels.
Alien Shooter presents a strategic, suspenseful shooter that will draw you in for hours of play. The variety of weapon effects and sheer mass of alien monsters that come at you will keep you intrigued and wanting more. So main aim of the player to clear the base at any cost. So the player gets in to the base and start fighting with aliens and try his best to clear the base. In this battle player can use the help of many kind of weapons. There are some doors in this laboratory which are completely blocked so player can use the help o explosives to open these doors.
In this game when you earn more points so you are be able to buy new and more power full weapons. There is an additional difficulty mode that was added to this sequel. The "impossible" mode. There were more weapons added in alien shooter 2.
In Alien shooter, there is a limited choice of 9 weapons. However, this number quadrupled to 50 over weapons that you can choose from throughout your gameplay. Unlike all the other PC games with only one campaign mode, alien shooter 2 offers you two new additional survival modes: stand firm and gun stand, on top of the typical campaign mode.
I will not explain the campaign mode in much detail as this is quite similar to its predecessor. Stand firm is not really new but a redesign of the survival mode. In this mode, you will have to keep yourself safe while killing as many enemies as you can. At the end of each enemy wave, you will fight the boss. When the boss is defeated, it will drop 5 advanced weapons.
Like the other classical games of Sigma team, equipment and power-ups are made available to you upon slaying the enemy.
The final mode is the Gun stand. In this mode, you control a turret filled with ammunition. Where you must feed off the waves of enemies.