Threading in WorkManager. App entry points. App shortcuts. App navigation. Navigation component. App links. Dependency injection. Core topics. App compatibility. Interact with other apps. Package visibility.
Intents and intent filters. User interface. Add motion to your layout with MotionLayout. MotionLayout XML reference. Improving layout performance. Custom view components.
Look and feel. Splash screens. Add the app bar. Control the system UI visibility. Supporting swipe-to-refresh.
Pop-up messages overview. Adding search functionality. Creating backward-compatible UIs. Home channels for mobile apps. App widgets. Media app architecture.
Building an audio app. Building a video app. The Google Assistant. Routing between devices. Background tasks. Manage device awake state. Save to shared storage. Save data in a local database. Sharing simple data.
Sharing files. Sharing files with NFC. Printing files. Content providers. Autofill framework. Contacts provider. Data backup. Remember and authenticate users. User location. Using touch gestures. Handling keyboard input.
Supporting game controllers. Input method editors. Performing network operations. Transmit network data using Volley. Perform network operations using Cronet. Transferring data without draining the battery. Reduce network battery drain. Transfer data using Sync Adapters. Bluetooth Low Energy. Wi-Fi infrastructure. Discover and connect. Runtime API reference. Web-based content. Android App Bundles. Google Play.
Play Asset Delivery. Play Feature Delivery. In-app reviews. In-app updates. Google Play Instant. Get started with instant apps. Get started with instant games. Integrate with Firebase. Play Install Referrer. Play Install Referrer Library. Application Licensing. Android GPU Inspector. System profiling. Analyze a system profile. GPU performance counters. Frame profiling. Analyze a frame profile. Frame Profiler UI. Customize or port game engines. Process input events. Support game controllers. Achieve proper frame pacing.
Frame pacing in Vulkan. Integrate Android Performance Tuner. Your Developer Credentials 5. Privacy and Information 6. Before any of this information is collected, the SDK will notify you and seek your consent. If you withhold consent, the information will not be collected. Third Party Applications 7. You understand that all data, content or resources which you may access through such third party applications are the sole responsibility of the person from which they originated and that Google is not liable for any loss or damage that you may experience as a result of the use or access of any of those third party applications, data, content, or resources.
You may not modify, rent, lease, loan, sell, distribute or create derivative works based on these data, content, or resources either in whole or in part unless you have been specifically given permission to do so by the relevant owners.
In that case, the License Agreement does not affect your legal relationship with these third parties. Using Android APIs 8. You may not modify, rent, lease, loan, sell, distribute or create derivative works based on this data either in whole or in part unless allowed by the relevant Terms of Service.
Terminating this License Agreement 9. Indemnification Fix adb push --sync with multiple inputs. Improve performance of incremental apk installation. Improve error handling for incremental apk installation. Fix adb install-multi-package. Fix some more crashes related to adb wireless pairing.
Improve some error messages. Fix fastboot flashall on Nexus 7. Fix crash when using adb -H. Added a comment to explain that. When creating an AVD with avdmanager, it is no longer necessary to specify --tag if the package specified by --package only contains a single image as is the case for all images currently distributed by Google.
Add --fastdeploy option to adb install, for incremental updates to APKs while developing. Available Packages: SDK Tools Contains tools for debugging and testing, plus other utilities that are required to develop an app. If you've just installed the SDK starter package, then you already have the latest version of this package. Make sure you keep this up to date. SDK Platform-tools Contains platform-dependent tools for developing and debugging your application.
These tools support the latest features of the Android platform and are typically updated only when a new platform becomes available. These tools are always backward compatible with older platforms, but you must be sure that you have the latest version of these tools when you install a new SDK platform.