Take the exam only if you trust your luck. The Amazon AWS-Solution-Architect-Associate practice questions, along with detailed answers, are not only beneficial to the Amazon certification exam but also conducive to your office work.
Just click the mouse at Allfreedumps. Make full use of the free PDF demos. Download the test engine software on your PC and practice the test everyday. Make notes on the errors and pay more attention on them. The PDF files are printable and portable. AWS-Solution-Architect-Associate is a set of questions with similar by complexity and same question types as on real certification exam.
Reach your goals. You also get to download practice questions with detailed answers in PDF format. These cheat sheets contain everything you need to know to fast-track your exam success. Assess your exam readiness with these Practice Tests to maximize your chance of passing the AWS certification exam first time.
No products in the cart. Sign in. Search for:. Keep in mind that some of the exercises and figures use the AWS web console, which is in constant flux. As such, screenshots and step-by-step details of exercises may change. Use these eventualities as excuses to dig into the AWS online documentation and browse around the web console on your own. Also remember that although you can complete many of the exercises within the bounds of the AWS Free Tier, getting enough practice to pass the exam will likely require you to spend some money.
Each chapter contains review questions to thoroughly test your understanding of the services and concepts covered in that chapter. They also test your ability to integrate the concepts with information from preceding chapters. Avoid the temptation to rush through the questions to just get to the answers.
It will also explain why the other answers are incorrect. The book also contains a self-assessment exam with 39 questions, two practice exams with 50 questions each to help you gauge your readiness to take the exam, and flashcards to help you learn and retain key facts needed to prepare for the exam. Some AWS services seem to serve similar or even nearly identical purposes. Also, because not every AWS service is large enough to warrant its own chapter, Part II simultaneously introduces other services that, although less well known, may still show up on the exam.
Achieving the right balance among these pillars is a key skill you need to develop as a solutions architect. It also covers the Elastic Block Store service that EC2 instances depend on for persistent data storage. Chapter 9: Simple Queue Service and Kinesis This chapter explains how to use the principle of loose coupling to create scalable and highly available applications.
Chapter The Reliability Pillar This chapter will show you how to architect and integrate AWS services to achieve a high level of reliability for your applications. Chapter The Cost Optimization Pillar This chapter will show you how to estimate and control your costs in the cloud. Interactive Online Learning Environment and Test Bank The authors have worked hard to provide some really great tools to help you with your certification process.
The interactive online learning environment that accompanies the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Study Guide: Associate SAA-C02 Exam, Third Edition provides a test bank with study tools to help you prepare for the certification exam—and increase your chances of passing it the first time! The test bank includes the following: Sample Tests All the questions in this book are provided, including the assessment test at the end of this Introduction and the chapter tests that include the review questions at the end of each chapter.
In addition, there are two practice exams with 50 questions each. Use these questions to test your knowledge of the study guide material. The online test bank runs on multiple devices. Questions are provided in digital flashcard format a question followed by a single correct answer.
You can use the flashcards to reinforce your learning and provide last-minute test prep before the exam. A glossary of key terms from this book is also available as a fully searchable PDF.
Introduction xxv Go to interactive online learning environment and test bank with study tools. True B. False 2. False 3. Which of the following services is most useful for decoupling the components of a monolithic application?
SNS B. KMS C. SQS D. Glacier 4. An application you want to run on EC2 requires you to license it based on the number of physical CPU sockets and cores on the hardware you plan to run the application on. Which of the following tenancy models should you specify? Dedicated host B. Dedicated instance C. Shared tenancy D. Bring your own license 5. False 6. False 7. Which S3 encryption option does not require AWS persistently storing the encryption keys it uses to decrypt data?
Client-side encryption B. SSE-S3 D. False 9. False Which of the following is a valid way to address this problem? Which of the following use cases is well suited for DynamoDB? Storing large binary files exceeding 1 GB in size C. Storing image assets for a website False Assessment Test xxix Which of the following steps does the most to protect your AWS account?
Revoking unnecessary access for IAM users C. AWS certifications are some of the highest salary cloud certifications out there. Are AWS certifications worth it in ? The answer depends on why you want to get AWS certified.
Start A Free Trial. Ready to get started with understanding AWS? Ready to earn one of the top certifications in cloud?
Ready to get certified? Want to get AWS Certified? Start a Free Trial. Ready to take down one of the toughest certs in cloud? Do the dang DevOps thing! Machines can learn, and so can you. Which AWS certification is right for you? It depends. So…what do you want to do? The CSA — Associate certification is widely regarded as one of the most valuable certifications in all of IT, and can not only help you get started in a cloud career, but also provide you a stepping off point toward additional AWS certifications.
From there, you can pursue the two Professional-level certifications or consider nabbing some of the specialty certifications. I already work in the cloud every day in a specialized role, and want to become master of my domain — If you work in a specific area of the cloud, such as security or networking, the AWS Specialty certifications are a natural path to take.
You have to have at least one Associate-level certification or AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner before you can snag a Specialty cert, but once you meet the prerequisites, you can level up your knowledge in your specific area of expertise. Cover your bases Even one certification has the potential to be life-changing.
Go pro After securing the three Associate certifications, the next logical path is to go after the two Professional certs, and the AWS Certified Solutions Architect — Professional , in particular. Remember that certifications are like a stepping stone. They can help you reach that next level, but taking the leap is still up to you. Just getting started or need to know the basics?
AWS cloud certifications include several Specialty-level certifications, including security, data analytics, and advanced networking. Recommended Get more insights, news, and assorted awesomeness around all things cloud learning. Mattias Andersson Nov 23, 4 Minute Read. Sign In.