Download fallout new vegas save files

Ohhhh, I was checking the program code. XD Yeah, copy and paste glitch. Joined Apr 16, Messages 7, 1. Sweet i'll check this out later Ford! I'm off to Costco with the woman! Joined Feb 21, Messages 4, 0.

I am stuck at level 30 so this editor will help. Thanks man. Therefore I cannot level up after lowering my level. Thanks for putting forth the effort though. I couldn't make an app like that myself.

I have 0 experience in that line of work. Last edited: Nov 6, You'd have to be at level 29 or less, unfortunately, because you'd instantly level up when you gain experience again But truth be told, I never searched for experience points in the save. I make no promises I can make it editable but at least I can look. Conclusion If I added it, there would still be no way, via save, to make your level 30 character level up. I think the only way to level up anymore is via console commands. Mind you, you could use the save editor to drop down to say, level 25, load the save in the game, adjust your XP via console command.

Theoretically, you would get 5 level ups in a row right after you close the console. Last edited: Nov 7, Joined Nov 18, Messages 2 0. Unfortunately, no. But, by lowering your level, you can artificially increase skill points by forcing more than 30 level-ups.

Joined Dec 11, Messages 1 0. It also doesn't work with the console command saves, which is what I normally use. Had to let the game save it the way it likes to save it in order to open that save. Was getting an invalid string input error, or something like that when I tried to load up a save used through the console save command. Joined Aug 16, Messages 1 0. Originally posted by Slawynio PL :. Last edited by Mauno ; 13 Jul, pm. I found it in a very strangely placed folder but I can see them.

So now I'll just copy one from my second computer and propaly send them by e-mail becasue cloud syncs your saves for a computer not for a person.

No, the whole point of Cloud is that it saves the files for your account, so you can use them at any computer you log on. I played Fallout yesterday for like 3 hours, saved it of course and synced it. It said I have 55 mb of data on the cloud. Now on my laptop it says I have 54,63 mb. When I turn on cloud before it launches the game on my laptop it says that my saves are outdated and I have saves from 3rd September on my laptop and on my cloud there are saves from 8th.

But I should have synced saves from yesterday. Well, we didn't say Cloud is good or working, just that it should save files and download them up-to-date. In reality, I usually advise people to turn Cloud off and just keep a shadow copy of their Documents folder, maybe on an USB stick. Explore new features and overcome all boundaries — it is the best time to achieve your most important goals!

Fallout is one of those game franchises that most everyone knows about and a few people treat as a religion. Fallout 4 is also one of the first AAA titles to see an honest-to-goodness VR client, which got a lot of folks nice and happy and maybe even a few went out and spent money on some hardware to play it.

That's how a good relationship between partners is supposed to work; company A works with company B to get people excited to spend money. There's a problem this time though because Fallout 4 VR is pretty broken. That's not how it's supposed to work, not at all.

Don't get me wrong. It's no more broken than any other Fallout game. They all needed some serious fiddling around to get them from good to great I just finished 'fixing' New Vegas last week! The good news is that's it's fixable. And you fix it the exact same way as you would the 'flat', non-VR client. Fallout 4's engine depends on brute strength from your graphics card a little too much.

The developers did a decent job pre-combining much of the scenery from thousands if tiny objects into a smaller number of larger objects in a lot of places, but when you are in certain areas of the map it's just not enough. When you add the extra horsepower you need to render it all in VR, it's a complete mess in places with a lot of rubble and clutter, so half the game seems horrible to play.

You can alleviate a lot of the stuttering, poor framerates and reprojection with a few edits to the games. If it's not there you can create it but be careful you don't name it Fallout4Custom. Make a backup copy of it and keep it somewhere safe, then open it in a text editor and make sure these lines are there:. A big community-driven post on Reddit has determined that these settings are where you need to start. They make some small changes that have a dramatic effect on the experience by boosting performance, but don't ruin the way it all looks.


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