This is essential download material for Fallout 4 Game of the Year edition. Now that you've got the unofficial patch installed, the next order of business is to get rid of the Creation Club News marquee taking up the corner of your screen, which can be really annoying.
If you want to drop real-world money in-game on small cosmetic changes that are readily available elsewhere as free mods, well, that's your business. But for the rest of us, downloading this mod helps us reclaim the Fallout 4 experience we want to have.
Hopefully, the fact that this is consistently in the Top 10 endorsed mods list every single week sends a clear and obvious message to the developers and publishers out there. OK, so we've patched all the bugs and gotten rid of the Creation Club nonsense, so now it's time to fix Bethesda's other major Fallout 4 stumble -- the condensed dialog wheel.
Half of the time the paraphrased example doesn't even really match the real dialog that's said. And there's no question the full voice acted main character really cut down on the dialog options in comparison to previous games. While there's not much to be done about the latter, the former is handily dealt with using this mod that changes things back to the classic Fallout dialog tree, showing exactly what will be conveyed with each option.
One of the elements of Fallout 4 that was most touted prior to release is also the element that is probably the most heavily modded: F4 settlements.
Although changes and additions were made with the game's official add-ons, there's still plenty about settlement building and settler duty-assigning that's pretty rough around the edges. Sim Settlements is much different from the typical settlement mod in that it drastically changes how settlements work , rather than just simply adding new objects.
The goal of the settlements mod is to make it so you are the leader of any given settlement -- and not its micro-manager. The mod brings in 'zones' that can be placed in the manner of Sim City that prompt your settlers to plant crops, connect water supplies, and construct buildings of a specific type. Every settlement will end up unique using this overhaul, and a progression system is added in so that building settlements is more satisfying and less of something you have to do every so often.
Going the opposite direction of the previous mod, this one gives you greater micromanagement powers -- and from a distance as well. Instead of having to manually walk up to any given settler, you can automatically assign them to a settlement object from a terminal. This simple terminal program also lets you move settlers between towns, assign supply routes, and check a settlement's stats all in one clean interface.
Because let's face it: quality of life upgrades are always welcome. While the various Steam Workshop add-ons did expand the settlement creation options, there's always room for more ways to customize your perfect post-apocalyptic settlement in Fallout 4.
That's where the Homemaker mod for F4 comes into play, adding in an astounding 1, additional items, from toilets to walls, appliances, and knick knacks. Don't even think about starting your own vault or settlement without downloading this mod first!
This mod feels like it should have already been in a menu screen somewhere! As the name suggests, the mod tells you the current affinity level of any companion, as well as notifying you of the specific amount their affinity dropped or increased as you interact with companions or make choices that upset or excite them.
If you want your journey through Fallout 4 's Wasteland to go smoother -- or you're just up for some friendly skullduggery -- this is a must-download mod. For how often he appeared in the marketing for Fallout 4 's pre-release, Dog Meat really didn't offer that much to F4 players when the game finally arrived.
Let's rectify that with a customizable mod that lets you craft a new harness for your faithful hound, giving him more carrying capacity, different colored outfits, extra armor, and more!
Miss the old style of traits and perks from the previous Fallout games? This recreates them in Fallout 4 after a fashion and adds in new additions. While they can't be directly brought over to the new perk system with its unlimited level cap and new level S. While the Contraptions Workshop DLC added an ammunition station that slowly churns out ammo at a fairly high power cost, it isn't really an economical option. This Fallout 4 mod has been here all along, letting you do something that should have been there from Day 1: craft any standard ammo type at a chemistry station.
So instead of throwing your junk away, download this mod for F4 GOTY and craft that refuse into something explosive. Possibly the single most helpful Fallout 4 mod in all existence, this indispensable little addition to the game makes one small, but powerful change: most of the random junk found in the Commonwealth -- from wrenches to tin cans -- just simply has no weight.
All your weight and inventory management just became incredibly easy, and there will be far less frustration in carrying around resources before you can dump them at a crafting station.
This one lets you go absolutely hog wild on weapon crafting, letting you add absolutely any modification to any weapon. Put a MIRV launcher on an automatic rifle so you can fire off dozens of nukes a round; give a scope to your rocket launcher; or add any other ludicrously awesome combination you can come up with! Needless to say, this Fallout 4 mod pretty much breaks balance and lets you make weapons the developer most certainly did not intend.
There's a reason this is one of the most-downloaded Fallout 4 mods of all time -- and you should find out why by downloading it yourself at your earliest convenience! Totally overhauling the weather systems in Fallout 4 , the True Storms mod brings in new sound effects, textures, particle effects, and much more for a complete change to how rain and storms work. This is more than just adding dreary rain to the game, however, as it also brings customizable radiation storms and ghoul attacks to F4 GOTY!
But frankly, there's always room for more in the Commonwealth! An outdated version of the Nexus Mod Manager may be to blame. Mods may not work if the Nexus Mod Manager is not granted administrative privileges. An error occurs when the user applies a corrupt or outdated mod. There are some awesome mods for Fallout 4, which are already a great survival game. Even though this difficulty is pretty good, there are a few mods that make it even better. Skip to content.
Table of contents 1. It fixes the roads, removes rubble and bushes and rebuilds some of the houses, including your main home. However you can bypass the limit with this mod available for PS4. It turns items from your inventory into static objects. For example, you can place Nuka Cola bottles on a dining room table, and it will stay there indefinitely. Unlocked Settlement Objects mod download This mod aims to add most assets to the Workshop menu inside your settlement, massively improving the variation of objects that can be built.
Settlement Supplies Expanded mod download The Settlement Supplies Expanded mod is similar to the previous mod in this list, as it adds lots of new items and objects to your crafting menu.
I tried to find a list of mods that could be considered must haves for the PS4 that doesn't include a ton of mods I'd consider to be cheats, so after several months of tinkering I have a list myself. In my opinion these are all excellent additions to the game that don't compromise the integrity of the game; I'll list a few cheat mods along with other excellent mods that didn't quite make the cut as honorable mentions.
This mod does cause the game to lag out for a few seconds when you open workshop mode, but that's a problem with how mods are forced to function on console. Simple, effective and does exactly what it says on the tin. This is for the folks who have the season pass or at least Automatron, Far Harbor and Nuka World - now you'll be able to find DLC items and creatures rarely in the commonwealth and in the other DLC areas- creatures from the DLCs won't start appearing until you complete the Mechanical Menace quest.
Gone are the trashpiles, random bushes and piles of leaves. Granted some might consider this a cheat because of how many resources scrapping can net you, but realistically the only more rare resource you'll find yourself with barrels of is fertiliser. It really makes the game fresh again to be able to wander round and spot a door in a well trodden city that you've never been in before and inject the excitement of exploration back into your experience.
Some may note that I've left out another mod that creates plenty more exploration but that's coming up next These are both great mods and I would recommend using one but not the other There's a version where headshots kill but that's up to you if you want to use it, for the purpose of this mod I'm trying to avoid cheaty mods. It also fixes Mama Murphy's zombie face which is a plus. Just a nice bit of immersion added. Some prefer Weather Redux which is a great mod but adds new weather systems I'm not really a fan of, but I'd definitely recommend giving either a try!