If you choose to use the USB cable in step 4, then you'll need to install Windows drivers for your Android phone. This is not necessary if you choose to use WiFi in step 4.
Installing the App Inventor Setup software package We recommend that you perform the installation from an account that has administrator privileges. Download the installer. The location of the download on your computer depends on how your browser is configured. Open the file. Click through the steps of the installer. Do not change the installation location but record the installation directory, because you might need it to check the driver.
To do live testing on your smartphone or tablet device, just install the MIT App Inventor Companion app on your phone, tablet, or supported Chromebooks. Once the Companion is installed, you can open projects in App Inventor on the web , open the companion on your device, and you can test your apps as you build them:.
Open you the Apple App Store or Google Play Store on your device, or use the buttons below to open the corresponding store page. After downloading, step though the the instructions to install the Companion app on your device. Note 1: There are some differences between the iOS and Android versions.
Please review this page for more details. To find this setting on versions of Android prior to 4. For details about differences between the two versions, please see this page. Please continue the conversation or report issues in the App Inventor for iOS community. On a personal note, I wrote the first proof of concept in October with what started as a simple Scheme interpreter performing math operations by running them on my iPhone via HTTP and cURL, so it is a tremendous honor for me to see, four and a half years later, this project come to fruition.
I hope that many more people will be inspired to solve real world problems through computational action with access to this iOS version. Evan W. Patton, Ph. In the news Events Stories from the field.