The results gathered in studying the patient will later be used in formulating the plan. And most importantly, assure the patient that the insights and tests gathered are done confidentially, especially when confidential matters could be asked and uncovered.
It is an acronym for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound goals. And that is the kind of treatment plan you should create. First, ensure that the objectives are stated clearly and specifically. Also, encourage each patient to meet with their attainable goals. Otherwise, unrealistic goals only discourage them in the end. The objectives listed must be relevant too.
Remember that such plans are individualized so only what is relevant for the patient should be plotted. And lastly, set a deadline for whether the goal is short-term or long-term. Why so? Urgency motivates clients to work quickly. Pick a Treatment Plan Template You cannot forget about selecting a treatment plan template from our collection. Remember that these templates are going to help the treatment process take briefly. As templates are pre-made, you can fill in the details to slowly create the treatment plan.
Polish the document until treatment plans are reading for launching soon. Monitor the Progress As the treatment plan is done, be sure to commit to the said plan. That is also a challenge because many people have made impressive plans, but they fail to execute them. Hence, put effort into sticking to the plan. Is the person doing well or needs more help?
A struggling client needs adjustments until the best solution will follow. Keep on tracking their progress until you can be sure that the outcome is worth it. Conduct Follow-Up Assessments As a continuation of the previous tip, follow up with assessments too.
Indeed, it is great to see the progress if things are doing well or not. But an assessment requires deeper understanding since you will observe, analyze, and think of better recommendations for the patient.
An example is when the treatment is finally done. After a few weeks or months, check how the client is still doing. FAQs Who benefits from treatment planning? The same goes for anyone with sleep issues, substance abuse, and other disorders. Thus, anyone can benefit here if they need to reach specific health goals. According to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act HIPAA , there is a rule that allows people in treatment to have privacy rights in terms of health information, particularly mental health.
And it should be signed by the patient or the parent of minor patients. CBT treatment plan is a shortcut to the cognitive behavioral therapy treatment plan.
And it works like psychotherapy where a patient works with a counselor or expert and attend through individual sessions. Similar to treatment plans, CBT also aims in achieving health goals. As a review, a treatment plan guides patients towards reaching their goals. As with the raisin exercise described above, this exercise calls for mindful eating. Pay attention to what you are holding preferably not something messy!
Once you have noticed the texture, the weight, the color, etc. Finally, move on to eating, but do so slowly and with concentrated attention. Notice the taste and its texture against your tongue. This exercise may help you discover new experiences with familiar foods. This exercise is a staple of mindfulness, designed to simply enhance your awareness of your own thoughts. To begin, sit or lie down in a comfortable position and try to let all tension in your body dissipate.
Focus on your breathing first, then move your awareness to what it feels like to be in your body, and finally move on to your thoughts. Be aware of what comes into your head, but resist the urge to label or judge these thoughts.
Think of them as a passing cloud in the sky of your mind. If your mind wanders to chase a thought, acknowledge whatever it was that took your attention and gently guide your attention back to your thoughts. In this exercise, you begin by closing your eyes and listening for the cue. When you hear it, your aim is to focus your attention on the sound and continue your concentration until it fades completely. This exercise helps you to keep yourself firmly grounded in the present.
You can use the audio below:. The goal is simple: to focus your attention on the center of the shifting pattern of color. You can let your mind wander freely, noticing whatever thoughts come into your head but staying in the present.
This experience is similar to the well-known phenomenon of the quiet fixation that results from staring at a candle flame or a campfire. The same focus and deep thought can be brought on by this exercise, but be careful not to lose yourself in thought, and instead stay present in the moment and let your thoughts pass by.
This exercise requires a video to practice, you can use the one below:. In fact, mindfulness has been successfully applied to a wide range of people on the mental health spectrum, from the mentally healthy and happy to those struggling the most with their mental well-being.
You can use this audio clip here for guidance. Following this guided mindfulness exercise will help you to clear your mind of worry about the past or the future, and allow you to focus on this present moment in a time. If you are interested in learning more about mindfulness techniques for treating depression, you can look into Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy or follow their short guided meditation.
Alternatively watch this inspiring TEDtalk by Zindel Segal who explains the naused mindful approach needed to not only address depression but also manage recovery and reduce the risk of relapse. Check it out:. This exercise can be repeated as many times as necessary. It is recommended to work your way up from milder experiences of anger to the most intense and memorable episodes. Practicing this technique can help you to defuse chronic anger in a rather counterintuitive manner: by accepting and mindfully feeling your anger, you can take control of the experience and compassionately address it.
For other resources and techniques on dealing with anger through mindfulness, you can try the Buddhist-based method or the mindfulness for dummies version. Alternatively, you can follow this 20 minute guided anger management mindfulness meditation:. A meta-analysis was conducted in that provided evidence for the effectiveness of mindfulness exercises on anxiety and depression.
To begin applying mindfulness to your anxiety, or that of your clients, Mindful. To practice each of these mindsets, first read the full description of each mindset then try to embody each mindset or attitude. Take note of how you feel. Afterward, reflect on your experience and describe it, with a special focus on your feelings during the process.
For a rather more simple method of applying mindfulness to anxiety, you can try this quick exercise:. By recognizing these thoughts for what they are, you may come to realize that they are not true, and consequently be able to let them go Hofmann, If you are interested in trying other mindfulness exercises to address anxiety, you can use this free short document or this extensive workbook PDF.
If you would like more information on anxiety, and how to approach dealing with it through mindfulness you can also take a listen to Dr. Kim Taylor Show as she clarifies the signs, symptoms of anxiety and suggests viable techniques, resources which can aid the treatment and management of anxiety.
Take a listen:. It combines mindfulness training with cognitive behaviour therapies to make people more aware of their eating behaviour. The goal is to give people a more healthy eating behaviour and to treat eating disorders like diabetes, obesity or binge-eating. Cognitive behaviour therapies usually also include teaching participants the risks of their daily behaviour. In their daily life participants should avoid risks like unhealthy meals or unbalanced sleep.
They should avoid mood-altering drugs and try to deal with their emotions by themselves. It is also helpful to do exercises which improve their body image and lead to a higher endorphin level which gives people a feeling of happiness.
The practice of mindfulness was found to result in these outcomes through increasing the number and strength of connections in the brain, allowing us to become more aware of our body and more effective at regulating our emotions. Just as with other struggles, there are many mindfulness techniques that aid in dealing with addiction, but there is one technique that is specifically crafted for those suffering from cravings.
There is a theory that people develop cravings through incentive sensitization , a process that occurs in four steps:. Following this theory, it is not the fault of the individual that they experience cravings. They are not punished with cravings for being weak, or lazy, or unwilling to stop.
Cravings are like intruders on the mind, uninvited guests that try to influence behavior. Taken in this light, those struggling with addiction can use mindfulness to pause, identify the cravings and label them as intruders, and thereby give themselves permission to ignore them. For more information and a guided meditation on dealing with addiction cravings you can watch this short video by Jessica Graham:. Alternatively, if you are looking for a more comprehensive information on the neurological origins of our addictive behaviours and how we can challenge addiction a the level of the brain, you can watch a fascinating talk by Dr.
Judson Brewer. I hope that I have sufficiently provided you with enough techniques, exercises, and activities to start bringing you and your clients the benefits of mindfulness.
Mindfulness can be used in a variety of populations including those on any part of the spectrum of mental well-being from dialectical behavioural therapy treatments for borderline personality disorders to group-based mindfulness for beginners.
Mindfulness is a relatively easy practice that can encourage participation regardless of budget, occupation, or diagnosis and can deliver significant results in the form of enhanced quality of life, self-confidence, and peace of mind, among many others.
Skip to content. A description of each of these three group exercises can be found below: 1. The Raisin Exercise This is a great introductory exercise for beginners to start practicing mindfulness, since it can be attempted by anyone with any kind of food although one with an interesting or unusual texture, smell, or taste is best.
Try this 30 minute guided narrative by expert and founder of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Jon Kabat Zinn : Step 1: the Body Scan begins with the participants lying on their backs with their palms facing up and their feet falling slightly apart. This exercise can also be done sitting on a comfortable chair with feet resting on the floor.
Step 2: the facilitator then asks the participants to lie very still for the duration of the exercise, and move with awareness if it becomes necessary to adjust their position. Step 3: next, the facilitator begins guiding the Body Scan. Participants begin by bringing awareness to the breath , noticing the rhythm, the experience of breathing in and expelling out. The facilitator explains that nobody should try to change the way they are breathing but rather just hold gentle awareness on the breath.
Step 4: next, the facilitator guides attention to the body: how it feels, the texture of clothing against the skin, the contours of the surface on which the body is resting, the temperature of the body and the environment. A typical Body Scan runs through each part of the body, paying special attention to the way each area feels, the scan usually moves as follows: 1. Mindful Seeing For some, the absence of visual stimuli can feel stifling.
The facilitator guides the group following these steps: Step 1 : find a space at a window where there are sights to be seen outside. Step 2 : look at everything there is to see.
Step 3 : pay attention to the movement of the grass or leaves in the breeze, notice the many different shapes present in this small segment of the world you can see. Try to see the world outside the window from the perspective of someone unfamiliar with these sights. Step 4 : be observant, but not critical.
Be aware, but not fixated. Step 5 : if you become distracted, gently pull your mind away from those thoughts and notice a color or shape again to put you back in the right frame of mind. Mindful Listening This last activity is extracted from the Positive Psychology Toolkit and introduces mindful listening as a group exercise. The Mindful Listening exercise involves these steps: Step 1 : invite each participant to think of one thing they are stressed about and one thing they look forward to.
Step 2 : once everyone is finished each participant takes their turn in sharing their story with the group, Step 3 : encourage each participant to direct attention to how it feels to speak, how it feels to talk about something stressful as well as how it feel to share something positive.
Step 4 : participants are instructed to observe their own thoughts, feelings and body sensations both when talking and listening. Step 5 : after each participant has shared, you can break into small groups and answer the questions stated bellow. Next, you regroup into the whole group and have a discussion and debrief with these questions.
Those questions are: 1: How did you feel when speaking during the exercise? Here are 6 exercises which can help to build mindfulness in different ways: 1. The worksheet begins with noting the date and whether the focus on awareness is on heart, body, or thoughts on the current day. Next, the worksheet provides a short description on the importance of self-compassion for maintaining quality of life.
The next section provides the method for the exercise. You start with noticing feelings by taking a moment to pause thoughts and actions, with a focused awareness that being mindful can help.
Next, the worksheet instructs you to move a hand over the heart, give yourself a hug, or make physical contact with yourself in some other way, and take a few deep breaths. After this is the important step of acknowledging suffering. This step is both a place to practice mindfulness and encourages mindfulness as result.
The aim is not to become overwhelmed by the pain or emotion but rather acknowledge it as real and hurtful, while giving yourself permission to feel it. Self-Inquiry Meditation The Self-Inquiry Meditation is focused on self-inquiry, a technique used in meditation to gain enlightenment. You may also see plan templates. Consider downloading a plan template ahead of time and plot information whenever necessary.
A mental health care treatment plan is a type of treatment plan that is flexible to use for varying circumstances. Any medical intervention pertaining to mental health is structured accordingly in commonly used treatment plan templates.
Specifically, mental health care plan templates are in no identical plan format since levels of care could also vary from time to time. Significance of a Treatment Plan Filling out a mental health care plan is just like utilizing a nursing care plan template in which patients are given the appropriate health service as advised by a healthcare professional.
Generally, any type of treatment plan is expected to map out activities, therapies, and any sort of medical rehabilitation to be followed as accurate as possible to maintain effectiveness. At the end of every treatment plan is an assessment whether or not positive changes have been acquired throughout the process.
With all the information written on various treatment plans, everything is set out to become relevant as the patient improves any underlying health condition. Often they come up with customized treatment plans to no avail. To remind you, an effective mental health care treatment plan is composed of the following: Patient Demographics — From the initial assessment of a patient, his or her demographics should be obtained and recorded in the treatment plan.
This component should also include the medical history of the patient or particularly a background that has caused the patient to be in the current situation. Health Issues — An overview of health issues of any patient should importantly be taken note of in any treatment plan. This is to indicate the starting point of the therapist on which concern should be prioritized.
Every plan template in Excel as observed relies on the information on health issues to determine the next steps of the treatment.